Nakahinumdom pa ko Nimo;
Wa na Tika Naabtan
Performed by Nicole Anne Santangelo
Documented by Lavounie Doan
Nakahinumdom pa ko Nimo; Wa Na Tika Naabtan is a performance where I reconnect with my ancestors by talking to the spirits of the deceased about what I learned about them from my living relatives and my sentiments toward them.
The Performance is reminiscent to a tradition in the Philippines called Undas, wherein families flock to the graves of their dearly departed, pray and tell stories about them.
In Carl Lorenz Cervantes’s book, Kapwa Spirituality, he stated that “when a person dies, they become a part of nature. They become Anitos”. Cervantes explained that the Anitos are ancestral spirits who joined other astral beings in a different realm. Through Cervantes’ works, I learned that Filipino spirituality heavily relies on anitism, comes from the Hispano-Filipino term “anitismo”, which is a worship of anitos or ancestor spirits. Despite being a mostly Catholic nation, Filipinos still practice Indigenous traditions and rituals that may be considered Pagan practice, one of them being Undas.